Sunday, January 18, 2009

Suzan Ellin

This is the oldest information I have, It is a manifest for the Suzan Ellin a ship leaving England to the new world. A list of passengers for this ship. William Buttrick is on board. He was the first Butrick to enter the new world. I have found the next to come over was around 1930s. So All Buttrick, Butricks are of his decent. William was 18 years of age. There is a book, " Butrick, Butterick, Buttrick In the USA 1635-1978" This book is very hard to get ahold of. It was published by Richard P Butrick. Copyright 1979. 400 copies. This book will explain the decentdents of the Buttrick, Butrick lines. All I add to this blog, or most will be from this book.

If you have something you would like added to this, I am just beginning, but would be glad to add it. Sent it to my email address.

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